Support Us

We welcome new sponsors and supporters of our programming! Obesity and children’s nutrition are important concerns in our community, and Midwest Food Connection’s lessons have proven effective in changing children’s attitudes and habits about eating healthy food. Read this document to discover why food education matters and how it impacts future generations.

Please support the work of our non-profit! Here are some ways to increase the reach of our programming so that more children can be served in the Twin Cities area:

  • Donate to Midwest Food Connection. By clicking on the link, you can make an online, tax-deductible donation. It’s simple and safe!
  • Hire us to come to your school or community event. To learn more about Midwest Food Connection’s curriculum offerings, visit our programs page.
  • Volunteer for Midwest Food Connection by heading to our Volunteer page to fill out a form! Our main needs are volunteers to assist in classrooms and on field trips, and to reach out to funding sources.

Any and all funding you can provide or facilitate will go directly into reaching more children! We have very low administrative overhead as an organization. All of Midwest Food Connection’s staff is the administrators of our non-profit and the teachers who are in the schools delivering our programming.

Our Annual Report

Midwest Food Connection’s annual report includes the number of lessons we have taught in our 20 years, as well as the number of students and partner schools we’ve reached. In addition, the report shares more details on our organization and sponsoring natural foods co-ops. Read our 2017 Annual Report to learn about all that we are doing!