Our Top Five Tips for Gardening with Kids

Our Top Five Tips for Gardening with Kids

As garden educators, we MFC staff have the opportunity to work with students in their school gardens every fall and spring. Here are some of our thoughts about getting kids involved in gardening! 1. Let them choose! Even as an adult, gardening is all about...
What We’re Reading: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

What We’re Reading: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

As you come out of hibernation this spring, Braiding Sweetgrass is the book to read to reawaken your relationship with the land. Through delicious sentences and a slow reverence for the natural world, Robin Wall Kimmerer shares indigenous wisdom about ecology in this...
Urban Farming in Minneapolis

Urban Farming in Minneapolis

Per Wikipedia, urban agriculture is defined as “the practice of cultivating, processing, and distributing food in or around a village, town, or city.” Urban farms give urban residents access to fresh vegetables, fruits, and meat products, thus decreasing...

Valley Natural Foods Field Trip

  About 180 2nd graders from two schools, Westview and Echo Park visited the gardens at Valley Natural Foods on beautiful sunny days in June to receive MFC lessons on urban farming.   This was the culmination of lessons for these children that encompassed the...
Buzz on Bugs

Buzz on Bugs

This spring, MFC has been teaching 3rd-5th grade students all about bugs. Now, you may ask, how does learning about bugs teach my kids about healthy eating? Are they eating bugs in class? Do not fear, your children are not being taught to eat bugs. They are, however,...