Red Lentil Dahl

  • 1 cup Red Lentils (they are orange but may be known in the store as red lentils)
  • 1/2 onion – minced
  • 1 tbsp olive oil or ghee
  • Start with 2 ½ cups water – add more water as needed
  • Turmeric or another favorite spice (ground cumin or cumin seeds, cayenne, ginger etc…)
  • Salt or soysauce – “to taste”
  • Garnish with a little cilantro for a fun color contrast and perhaps squeeze a little lemon on top for a flavor contrast


  1. Heat the oil in smaller-sized pan or pot that has a lid.  Sautee the onion in the oil until sizzling and softened.
  2. Add a dash of spice and the beans and water, bring to a boil, cover and simmer.
  3. Stir periodically.  Taste for softness; add more water if still firm and water has been absorbed.
  4. When cooked and soft, add some soy sauce or salt.
  5. For a slightly stronger flavor, add a tad of minced garlic with the onions and/or use butter or ghee instead of oil. Eat plain or serve with rice, corn chips, pita or tortillas.